Organizations & Partnerships


Keeping Generations of People and Water Safe

For nearly 150 years, we have been committed to improving the comfort, safety, and quality of life for people around the world through our expertise in water technologies.

Our mission is simple, we want to provide high-quality products, systems, and solutions for the conveyance, conservation, control, and safe use of water. And with 42 locations around the world, we are dedicated to increasing energy efficiencies and reducing waste inside all of our offices and manufacturing facilities.

We do all we can to enable our employees, customers, and partners in the innovation, development, and manufacturing of water technologies, systems, and solutions that protect our natural resources.

We continue to demonstrate the paramount value we place in safety and is reflected in each of our technologies and solutions, and our environmental and social commitments

Our Handprint

While Watts has always been focused on our own footprint and how we can have a positive impact on the environment, it is through our product portfolio that we are able to help our customers become more sustainable which can profoundly impact the environment much further than we can do on our own.

Our Footprint

As respectful environmental stewards, we engage in business practices that reflect our values and advance our efforts to promote an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable future. We are committed to minimizing the impact of our global operations and supply chain on the environment, protecting the communities where we operate, and innovative products and services that support our customers in doing the same.

We focus on three key areas we refer to as the Triple Play of Sustainability:

Safety & Regulation
Water Conservation
Energy Efficiency
We design and manufacture in Europe
more than 90% of the products we sell

Close to our customers

Manufacturing locally can have many environmental benefits. Here are some reasons why we believe our 12 factories, which manufacture locally in Europe,bring environmental advantages:

Reduced carbon footprint

Reduced carbon footprint

Lokalna produkcja zmniejsza emisję dwutlenku węgla, minimalizując emisje transportowe. Produkty produkowane bliżej swojego docelowego rynku pokonują krótszą odległość, co skutkuje niższymi emisjami gazów cieplarnianych (GHG) i zanieczyszczeń powietrza, które przyczyniają się do zmian klimatu i zanieczyszczenia powietrza.
Energy Efficiency1

Energy Efficiency

Local manufacturing enables better control and optimization of energy consumption. Proximity allows manufacturers to implement energy-efficient technologies, improve processes, and comply with environmental regulations effectively. This results in lower energy consumption, reduced GHG (greenhouse gas emissions), and a smaller environmental impact
Conservation of Resources

Conservation of Resources

Local manufacturing can help conserve resources, such as energy and water. Manufacturers can implement sustainable practices, such as recycling and efficient use of raw materials, more easily when operating locally. Additionally, local production can facilitate the use of renewable energy sources, further reducing the reliance on non-renewable resources.
Support for Local Economy

Support for Local Economy

Manufacturing locally can have positive economic impacts, including the creation of jobs and the support of local businesses. When products are made locally, it stimulates the local economy and reduces the need for long-distance trade. This localized economic activity can contribute to the overall well-being and resilience of the community.
Transparency and Accountability

Transparency and Accountability

Local manufacturing often offers greater transparency and accountability in terms of environmental practices. Local manufacturers are more accessible to regulators, local communities, and consumers, making it easier to enforce environmental regulations and ensure compliance with sustainable standards. This transparency fosters responsible manufacturing practices and encourages environmentally friendly initiatives.
Manufacturing locally can help reduce environmental harm by minimizing transportation-related emissions, promoting energy efficiency, conserving resources, and supporting sustainable practices

ESG Strategy


Footprint to Handprint

  • Complete 5-year (2018-2023) eco-efficiency goals ahead of plan
  • Commit to new reduction targets in scope 1&2 carbon emissions in 2024
  • Better quantifying our product handprint benefits through LCA modeling

Watts Sites to Communities

  • Increasing surveillance of our suppliers and their environmental practices
  • Pursuing local water stewardship engagements

Business Strategy Influenced By Risks & Opportunities

  • Increased employee engagement and strengthened ERG
  • Production, Logistics and Distribution: to maximize our customer reach
  • Increased sales from Smart and Connected enabled products

Sustainability Integrated At Every Level

  • Making our products and operations more resilient to pollution, extreme climate events, and the increasing scarcity of water.
  • Enhanced transparency, compliance, regulations, and reporting requirements – UNGC, WAVE, CEO Water Mandate, 3rd party environmental data validation
We are fully aware of our responsibility to the environment. That's why we strive to minimize emissions and waste while using raw materials and energy efficiently.
Brass is one of the main materials used in our
, as it has many environmental
advantages in terms of production,
use and recyclability.
Brass is considered a sustainable material primarily due to its high recyclability.
Here are some reasons why brass is considered sustainable:


Brass is a metal alloy composed of copper and zinc, which can be easily separated and recycled. The recycling process involves melting down the brass scrap to remove impurities and then reforming it into new brass products. Since brass retains its properties during recycling, it can be recycled indefinitely without any loss in quality.
Energy efficiency

Energy Efficiency

The production of brass from recycled materials requires significantly less energy compared to the production from virgin resources. Recycling brass consumes around 90% less energy than producing it from raw materials. This energy savings reduces greenhouse gas emissions and conserves valuable resources.
Resource Conservation

Resource Conservation

By recycling brass, we reduce the demand for mining and extracting new copper and zinc ores, which are finite resources. Mining can have detrimental environmental impacts, such as habitat destruction, soil erosion, and water pollution. Recycling brass helps conserve these natural resources and reduces the strain on ecosystems.
Waste Reduction

Waste Reduction

Brass recycling reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills or incinerators. By diverting brass scrap from the waste stream, we minimize the environmental and health hazards associated with landfilling and incineration. Recycling brass also reduces the need for extracting and processing other metals, further reducing waste generation.
Extended Product Life

Extended Product Life

Brass is a durable and corrosion-resistant material, making it suitable for various applications, including plumbing and HVAC valves. When brass products reach the end of their life cycle, they can be recycled rather than discarded, extending their useful life and minimizing waste.

WATTS products contain European brass which consists of more than 94% of recycled brass

Declarations with respect
to the use of recycled material

Overall, the recyclability of brass, combined with energy efficiency, resource conservation, waste reduction, and extended product life, contribute to its sustainability as a material. Recycling brass helps conserve resources, reduces energy consumption and emissions, and mitigates environmental impacts associated with mining and waste disposal.

WATTS apply the same approach and commitment to all various materials beyond brass, including plastic, elastomeric materials, stainless steel, and many others.

Commitment Sustainability