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Microflex in Orange Military Base
Issue :
Old steel pipes from Orange military base, designed to feed the different building heating systems with hot water coming from the main boiler room, had to be replaced (around 800 meter of pipes). The new solution must reduce thermal losses and leakage risks
Szczegółowy opis
The installer :
Fauché (Agence Défense Mediterranée) : major player in building maintenance
Fauché fulfilled this worksite on the military base of Orange by assigning a complete team on the field in addition with the technical support of their local agency.
Solution implemented :
800 m of Microflex®Uno diameter 63, 75 et 90 + accessories.
Why Microflex® :
- Easy to install
- Coupling limitation thanks to Microflex® flexibility
- Few thermal loss thanks to a pre-insulated pipe
- Pipes durability and longevity
- Watts service: help for design and quotation
Voice of customers :
Fauché wanted a hot water distribution solution that answered precise requirements: easy to install solution, potential couplings water leakage risks limitation and decrease thermal losses of distribution pipes.Microflex® fulfills all requirements.
Installer Fauché really liked inMicroflex® its "flexibility which reduce at maximum the amount of cuts and couplings, thus avoiding potential leakage"