Сертифікати та декларації відповідності України та Євросоюзу
- Декларація відповідності ЄС | Термостати для фанкоїлів WATT FAN
- Декларація відповідності ЄС | Радіо електроніка серій WFH і BT01
- Декларація відповідності ЄС | Контролери для гідравлічних геліосистем
- Декларація відповідності ЄС | Термостати для електричних теплих підлог WATTSTEMP (EFHT)
- Декларація відповідності ЄС | Управляюча електроніка серії VISION® Wired
- Декларація відповідності ЄС | Керуюча електроніка серії VISION® Wireless
- Декларація відповідності ЄС | Погодозалежна електроніка (CC-HC)
- Декларація відповідності ЄС | Керуюча кабельна електроніка серій WFH і BT, включно з датчиками
- Energy saving certificate (EEC) | Manufacturer's certificate
- Certifcate TÜV actuators 22C and 22CX
- Declaration of Conformity | Actuators 22C, 22CX, 22CX5, 26LC
- Declaration of Conformity | Actuator EMUJC
- Declaration of conformity | Electronic Actuator ETE
- Manufacturer's declaration | Heating circuit manifold for surface heating and cooling
- Declaration of Conformity | Mixing valves V3GB-V4GB
- Declaration of Conformity | Actuator Watts Classic
- Certificate TÜV | Electric Actuator 26LC, valid till 13.09.2026
- Declaration of Conformity | Mixing valve Aquamix 63C
- Declaration of Conformity | Temperature Control Units ISOMIX, ISOTHERM and FRG
- WRAS Approval | MSL-MSV
- Declaration of Conformity | Check valve RDF
- Certifcate TÜV | Boler safety unit KSG valid until 30.06.2025
- Declaration of Conformity | TS TU
- Declaration of conformity | Serie WMT
- Declaration of Conformity | Diaphragm Safety Valve SVE-SOL
- Declaration of Conformity | Thermal drain valve STS and STS.S
- Declaration of Conformity | Overpressure relief valve series USVR
- Declaration of Conformity | Diaphragm safety valve VST
- Declaration of conformity | MTW, MTW-V, MTW-VA
- Declaration of Conformity | THREE WAY VALVE model 296 /rom 111 to 2"
- Declaration of Conformity | Immersion thermostat model TRE TU
- Declaration of Conformity | Automatic filling valves Alimat 3110C
- Declaration of Conformity | Temperature Sensor Pair model PS
- Declarartion of Conformity | Instruments and fittings manifold series TRI
- Declaration of Conformity | Air Vents series INT, DUO, MHL, MHV
- Declaration of conformity | Supercal 531
- Declaration of Conformity | Expansion membrane vessel ACS CE
- Declaration of Conformity | Magnetic dirt separator DS Series WCS, WSS, WBS
- Declaration of Conformity | Safety valves series MSL-MSV-MSPF-MSML
- Declaration of Conformity | Heat meter Supercal 739
- Declaration of Conformity | Compact magnetic dirt separator DSPN
- Declaration of Conformity | Multifunctional dirt separator SDDF
- Declaration of Conformity | Air vent valves MVD,MD,MVSOL,MKV,MKL Series
- Declaration of Conformity | Cap valve KAV
- Declaration of conformity | Manometer for GAG/KAV and GAG/MR20
- Declaration of Conformity | Draught Regulator RT10N
- Certificate TÜV | Safety valves SVH SVM SVPF, valid till 30.06.2024
- Декларація відповідності ЄС | накладні термостати серій TC, TRV, TRR, TRS, WTC
- Declaration of Conformity | Expansion Vessel for solar thermal systems
- Declaration of Conformity | Maxivent (MXV)
- Declaration of Conformity | Air valve solar MV-SOL
- Declaration of Conformity | Air vent valve Series 228C, 231C, 238C
- Declaration of Conformity | Safety Valves and Units SV, SVH, SVW, SVM, KSG/N
- Declaration of Conformity | 296 1"-2"
- Declaration of Conformity | Immersion BI-THERMOSTAT model TRS TU
- Declaration of Conformity | Thermal relief valve series VTF/N
- Declaration of Conformity | Expansion Vessels ERE CE
- Certificate TÜV | Thermal Drain Valve STS20 and STS20.S, valid till 30.11.2025
- Declaration of conformity | Buffer tank
- Declaration of conformity | Safety valves 174 and 740
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Thermostatic mixing valve ULTRAMIX® valid till 06.12.2022
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Thermostatic mixing valve RLT N170M3, valid till 09.08.2023
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Thermostatic mixing valve MMV-C - MMV-S
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Thermostatic mixing valve T9715 T9107 (TL) Minimix
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity 23 ACC LY 374 | Thermostatic mixing valve RLTM2, valid till 20.04.2028
- Declaration of Conformity | Thermostatic mixing valve Aquamix 61C-62C
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Thermostatic mixing valve INSTAMIX
- Declaration of Conformity | Mixing valve Ultramix
- Certificate BELGAQUA Belg 23/065/27.5 | Thermostatic mixing valves Ultramix, T9, Minimixing, RLT M2, valid until 14.03.2028
- ACS Certificate | Safety Devices SFR
- Certifcate of Sanitary Conformity 23 ACC LY 373 | Safety valves SVH, SVW, valid till 05.04.2028
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Manifolds with integrated valves
- Certificate DVGW 6330AT2166 | Pressure reducing valves DRV DN15-DN50, valid till 06.05.2026
- Certificate DVGW | Pressure reducing valve DRVN valid until 27.04.2029
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Anti scald cartridge
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Pressure reducing valve REDUFIX, valid till 06.09.2026
- Attestation of Conformity TÜV | FLU25PL flow switch
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Backflow preventer CA9C, valid till 07.05.2031
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Pressure reducing valve DRVD
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Safety Groups SFR
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Safety Kits and KIT ÉCO with safety group SFR, valid till 16.01.2018
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Pressure reducing valve PRECISIO and HYDROBLOC
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity 20 ACC LY 641 | Pressure reducing valve REDUBAR valid till 09 November 2025
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Pressure reducing valve REDUBLOC, valid till 13.10.2024
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Pressure reducing valve REDUPRESS, vaild till 02.01.2022
- Certificate BELGAQUA Belg 23/066/VGS | Safety Group BI15, Kit Minimix 2297392KM2 valid until 14.03.2028
- Certificate KIWA K41686/08 | Stop valves with integrated check valves Basic-CC
- Declaration of Conformity | Brass Manifold Series 805M, 806M, 807M, E807M
- Declaration of Conformity | Pressure switches PA5-PA12
- Declaration of Conformity DRV DRVM DRVN DRVMN
- Declaration of Conformity | Safety Unit Group Type SFR
- Declaration of Conformity | BABM
- Declaration of Conformity | Solenoid valve series 850T
- Declaration of conformity | Electronic pump control unit WACOPUMP 2
- Declaration of Conformity | Pressure reducing valve DRVD
- Declaration of Conformity | Pressure reducing valve DRV, DRVN
- Declaration of Conformity | Flow switch FLU25PL
- Certificate KIWA | K26384-03 Minimix (TL)
- Certificate KIWA | Pressure reducing valve REDUFIX
- Manufacturer's Declaration of Conformity Thermostatic Mixing Valves MMV-C and MMV-S
- Certificate DVGW NW-6102AR2237 | Ball valve valid till 09.11.2024
- Declaration of Conformity | Pressure switch PRMIN
- Declaration of Conformity | Pressure reducing valve REDUBAR
- Certificate BELGAQUA | safety groups SFR GSM, valid till 22.01.2024
- Certificate SVGW Nr. 8910-2380 | Pressure reducing valves DRV, valid until 31.01.2026
- Certificate BELGAQUA Belg 23/163/VGS | Safety group NA53M2, valid till 04.07.2028
- Certificate WRAS | P and T safety valve
- Certificate WRAS | Pressure reducing valve REDUBAR
- Certificate WRAS | Pressure reducing valve REDUFIX
- Certificate NF | Safety group, siphon, pressure reducing valve, tap
- Declaration of Conformity | Pressure Switch PRM
- Delaration of Conformity | WATER HAMMER ARRESTORS Series 15M2
- Declaration of Conformity | Solarkit
- Certificate TÜV | Safety valves SVW, valid till 30.09.2025
- UNI Product certification valid till 30.05.2026 | BA4760
- Certificate KIWA UK 2009701| backflow preventer BA BM, till 31.08.2025
- Certificate KIWA 2011745 | Check valve IO valid till 15.11.2025
- Certificate KIWA 2011746 | Check valve IN valid till 15.11.2025
- Declaration of Conformity UBA and 4MS | BA4760
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Backflow preventer BA-BM, valid till 12.10.2027
- Certificate of sanitary conformity | Check valve BASIC CC, valid till 16.06.2021
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Check valve BB - WH - WF
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Check valves CO - FW - IN - IO - WM, valid till 26.03.2025
- Certifcate of Sanitary Conformity ACS | Insert check valves CS series
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Backflow preventer CA9C, valid till 07.05.2031
- Certifcate of Sanitary Conformity ACS | Backflow preventers CA-b and CB, valid till 05.04.2023
- Certificate KIWA K47098/7 | Backflow Preventors BA-BM, BA009MC
- Certificate VERITAS 41078/B0 BV | backflow preventer BA-BM, till 30.03.2026
- Declaration of Conformity for Fire Protection | BABM - BA4760
- Certificate BELGAQUA BELG 20/065/CAb | backflow preventer CB, valid till 28.07.2025
- Certificate BELGAQUA 20/192/30a-WTBE-EA | Check valve CC Basic, valid till 28.07.2025
- Certificate BELGAQUA 20/289/EA | Check valve EA CC51, vaild till 17.11.2025
- Certificate BELGAQUA | Backflow preventer BA BM, valid till 16.04.2025
- Certificate BELGAQUA | Backflow preventer BA-BS, valid till 16.04.2025
- Certificate BELGAQUA BELG20/03/EB | Insert check valves WM-IN-IO-CO-FW-CS-TO-NN-NR-NW-WI valid until 06.01.2025
- Certificate KIWA | Backflow preventors CA9C and CB010
- Сертифікат BELGAQUA | Зворотний клапан CA9C, дійсний до 17.11.2028
- Certificate Belg 22/333/30a - EA | Check valve CC Basic, valid till 09.12.2027
- Certificate NF | Backflow preventers, Check valves, Insert check valves, TK9B
- Declaration of Conformity | BA4760
- Certificate DVGW DW-6305DL0445 | Backflow preventer BA-BM valid till 17.12.2025
- UBA-Conformity & Certificate DVGW NW-6312AS2276 | Insert check valves CO, IN, IO, WM, WI, CS, FW
- Certificate KIWA K6085/14 | Backflow Preventors and Insert Check Valves
- Сертифікат PZH (Польща) B.BK.60110.0053.2023 | зворотні клапани з пластиковою вставкою, до 22.03.2026
- Certificate SINTEF 1498 | backflow preventer BA BM, valid till 01.04.2025
- Certificate SVGW 0810-5442 | Backflow preventer BA BM, valid till 31.03.2024
- Certificate SVGW Nr.: 9703-3715 | insert check valves IN and IO valid until 31.10.2022
- Product certification | BABM
- Certificate ETA VA 1.57/20243 | Backflow preventer BA-BM valid till 01.10.2025
- Certificate ETA VA 1.55/18634-X | insert check valves CO, CS, IN, IO, TO, WM, valid till 01.10.2025
- NF Certificate for antipollution devices
- Conformity Declaration UBA and 4MS | Backflow preventers CA2096
- Conformity Declaration UBA and 4MS | Backflow preventers EA223-223D
- Conformity Declaration UBA and 4MS | Backflow preventers EA453
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Backflow preventer BA 009MC
- Certificate BELGAQUA BELG20/1/EA | Check valves BB, KF, MU, NU, PI, PS, PU; S, W valid till 06.01.2025
- Certificate BELGAQUA BELG20/2/EA | Check valves WF, WH valid till 06.01.2025
- Certificate NSF | insert check valves CO, FW, IN, IO, WI, WI, WM
- Certificate KIWA 2401775 | Insert check valves CO, valid till 05.01.2029
- Certificate NF CSTB No 412-M1-23/2 | Controllable backflow preventers BA, BM, CAa, CAb and controllable check valves EA, EB
- Conformity Declaration UBA and 4MS | Non return valves series 402/402B/402S
- UBA Declaration of Conformity | Plastic insert check valves CO, FW, IN, IO, WI, WM
- Сертифікат KIWA №2411722 | Зворотні клапани серії WM, дійсний до 20.11.2029
- Declaration of conformity | Pressure gauges
- Declaration of conformity | Thermometers
- Certificate DVGW | Pressure gauge pushbutton stopcock RMD 15, DG-4315CT0161 valid till 08.02.2021
- Manufacturer's Declaration | Thermometers MTG MTW
- Declaration of Conformity | Gauge ball valve series 403/RF – RS – RP
- Declaration of Conformity | Gauge Insulation Syphon series 407D/SRN
- Declaration of product technical standard for FIMET products
- Declaration of Conformity | Measuring Devices
- Certificate Keymark License | Thermosatic valves and actuators, valid till 30.01.2024
- Declaration of Conformity | Radiator valves 178WM - 179WM
- Declaration of conformity | 2131, 3131, 4131 valves for fan coils
- Declaration of Conformity | THERMOSTATIC 4-WAY VALVES series 120B and 102M
- Declaration of Conformity | ZONE VALVES Series 560T, 561T, 571T
- Declaration of Conformity | Lockshield radiator valves series 1195UM, 1196UM
- Declaration of Conformity | LOCK SHIELD RADIATOR VALVES series: 395TRV, 1395TRV, 396TRV, 1396TRV
- Declaration of conformity | Thermostatic actuators series 148 - 148A
- Declaration of Conformity | THERMOSTATIC VALVES Series 130UM, 131UM, 178UM, 179UM, 188UM 189UM, 130SN, 131SN, 178SN, 179SN
- Declaration of Conformity | 134M - 1134M
- Declaration of Conformity | Thermostatic Actuators 148WM
- Declaration of Conformity | Thermostat-adaptable valves 178UM-179UM-1178UM1179UM Series
- Declaration of Conformity | TRV lockshields
- Declaration of Conformity | TRV thermostatic valves
- Declaration of conformity | Thermostatic valves series 1000
- Declaration of Conformity | Thermostatic actuators 148 - 148A - SE148
- Declaration of Conformity | ELECTROTHERMAL ACTUATOR Series 580T
- Декларація відповідності EC | Кульовий кран KFE
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity ACS | Balancing valve iDROSET Series CF, valid till 25.03.2025
- Declaration of Conformity | Balancing vavle FO-BV
- Declaration of Conformity | iDROSET Series CF
- Declaration of Conformity | Balancing valves WattFlow
- Declaration of Conformity | Balancing Valve STAD
- Declaration of conformity | Balancing valve series STAF, STAF-SG
- Declaration of Conformty | Safety valve SIC10
- Declaration of Conformity | GDFM-GDFF
- Declaration of Conformity | Safety valves Series MS
- Declaration of Conformity | FUEL SHUT-OFF VALVE series 464 FULLMATIC
- Declaration of Conformity F21NOR and F21N
- Declaration of Conformity | GAS DETECTORS Series CIVIC, CIVIC4 and REMOTE DETECTOR UR13
- Declaration of Conformity MB-MKF200
- Declaration of Conformity | Diesel oil and heavy oil strainers series 70370RE
- Declaration of Conformity | Diesel oil and heavy oil strainers series 70100-70150-70300-70310-70350-70370-70450-70500-70700-70700F
- Declaration of Conformity | Self cleaning strainer for Diesel oil and heavy oil 21000-21000FE-21000FERE-31000-31000FE-31000FERE-41000-45000-51000- SlOOOF-FOEX
- EU Declaration of Conformity | Fuel shut off valves VIC/A
- Declaration of Conformity | Solenoid valve SVG
- Declaration of Conformity | RP1B
- Declaration of Conformity | On-off automatic gas valves series GSAV-R
- Declaration of Conformity | Normally closed manual reset gas valves series EVO- EV
- Declaration of Conformity | "On-off automatic gas valves" series AMSV .. 2R - AMSV .. 2L
- Declaration of Conformity | On-off electro-hydraulic gas valves series GHAV
- Declaration of Conformity | Max pressure slam shut off valves series BM
- Declaration of Conformity | ST1B - ST4B
- Declaration of Conformity | FGD-FGDR-FSDR-STR
- Declaration of Conformity | Gas strainers series 70608-70609-70602/1B-70603/1B-70604/1B-70611/1B-70612/1B-70631/1B-70602/6B-70603/6B-70604/6B-70611/6B-70612/6B-70631/6B-70603F-6B-70631F /6B-70610F /6B- 70620F /6B-70640F /6B-70650F /6B-70660F /6B
- Declaration of Conformity | On-off automatic gas valves series GSAVO15-GSAVO15/08B
- Declaration of conformity | EVO/6B - EV/6B
- Declaration of Conformity | Normally closed manual reset gas valves series EVM/6B
- Declaration of Conformity | FG1B-FG2B-FS1B
- Declaration of Conformity | Max pressure slam shut off valves series MB-MB/6B
- Declaration of Conformity FSDR-STR
- Declaration of Conformity | Fuel isolation valve NVFN-FLAM STOP
- Declaration of Conformity | Oil Filters RG2 RV1 RV2 V1 RZ
- Declaration of conformity | RIS
- Declaration of Conformity | GSX, GSW
- Declaration of conformity | TLM Televar, MECAV, MECAH Series
- Declaration of Conformity | Gas detector Series UR20S
- Declaration of Conformity | Gas Detector UR21S Series
- Declaration of Conformity | Gas compensator joint GA-GAF-GDA
- Declaration of Conformity | Fuel shut off valves series VIC/A
- Declaration of Conformity | Gas strainers 70684-70685-70686-70687
- Declaration of Conformity | On-off solenoid valve for Diesel oil and heavy oil series SV
- Declaration of Conformity | Gas pressure regulators series FSDR65-FSDR80-STR65-STR80-STR100-STR125-STR150
- Declaration of Conformity | Gas pressure regulator series FS1B65-FS1B80-ST1B65-ST1B80-ST1B100-ST1B125-ST1B150
- Declaration of Conformity | Jerk handle on-off valves series JH
- Declaration of Conformity | Stainless steel water filter element
- Declaration of Conformity | Diesel oil and heavy oil pressure control valves series PRO - PROH
- Declaration of Conformity | On-off automatic gas valves series GSAV . ./02B
- Declaration of Conformity | On-off automatic gas valves series "GSAV .. 2R (DN 65-80-100)
- Declaration of Conformity | Gas pressure regulators with max pressure shut off device series "ST 4B .. BM"
- Declaration of Conformity | On-off automatic gas valves series GSAV2R- GSAV2L (DN 20-25-32-40-50)
- Declaration of Conformity | "On-off automatic gas valves" series AMSV .. 5R - AMSV .. 5L
- Declaration of Conformity | Air-gas ratio control valves series VRGA
- Declaration of Conformity | Gas governor ST4B..BM
- Declaration of Conformity | Normally closed manual reset gas valves series EV0/6B - EV /6B
- Declaration of Conformity | Normally closed manual reset gas valves series EV /6BEExd
- Declaration of Conformity | Normally open manual reset gas valves” series “MSV/6B, MSV/6BEExd, MSVO/6B, MSVM/6B
- Declaration of Conformity | Normally open manual reset gas valves series MSVO - MSV
- Declaration of Conformity | Air-gas ratio control valves series GAVR
- Declaration of Conformity | Gas pressure regulator series RP1B
- Declaration of conformity | GOK LWG 2000
- Declaration of conformity | GOK LAG 2000
- KIWA Certificate 2106723 | SYLAX butterfly valves, valid till 07.06.2026
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity 23 ACC LY 530 | Non-return valves 627E, valid till 20.09.2028
- Declaration of conformity | Check valve 402
- Certificate DVGW DW-6201CO0390 and UBA Certificate | Sylax Butterfly Valves, valid till 10.12.2023
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity 23 ACC LY 182 | Check valves 102, 202, 212, 302, 302 Inox, 312, 322, 402, 402 WG, 402XNG, 402Z, 412, 422, 882 valid till 12.01.2027
- WRAS Certificate 1610315 | SYLAX butterfly valves, valid till 31.10.2021
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity | Stop valve (Taps), valid till 06.03.2024
- Certificate SVGW No. 1407-6293| Butterfly valves Socla Sylax, valid till 31.03.2025
- RINA Certificate No. MAC017821XG/003 | Butterfly valves series LYCENE, vailid till 22.01.2026
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity 21 ACC LY 279 | Non-return vavles system M series 217, 427, 427B, 457, 457B, valid till 28.09.2026
- Certificate of Sanitary Conformity 23 ACC LY 484 | Backflow preventors series 437, valid till 23.03.2028
- RINA Certificate No. MAC017821XG/001 | Butterfly valves series SYLAX, vailid till 22.01.2026
- RINA Certificate No. No. MAC017821XG/002 | Butterfly valves series TILIS, vailid till 22.01.2026
- REACH/ROHS Declaration | Non-return check valves series 30, 50-50F, 208P, 318/308, 418-408-418D-418F/408F-418V, 408X, 508-508F