Weld-end coupling heating and COOL - 6/16bar S6
Weld-end coupling heating and COOL - 6/16bar S6


Technical Features

Part no.

Art. No.   PE-X dext/s (mm)   Weld-end dext (mm)   Weld-end dint (mm) 
MJ3412725/23L  25/2.3  26.90  21.50 
MJ3413332/29L  32/2.9  33.70  27.00 
MJ3414240/37L  40/3.7  42.40  36.00 
MJ3414550/46L  50/4.6  48.30  42.00 
MJ3415763/58L  63/5.8  60.30  53.00 
MJ3417675/68L  75/6.8  76.10  68.00 
MJ3418990/82L  90/8.2  88.90  80.00 
MJ341110110/10L  110/10.0  114.30  105.00 
MJ341114125/114L  125/11.4  114.30  105.00