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Watts Powerseat® - Delivering 35 years of safe gas delivery
The Powerseat® electro-hydraulic gas shut-off valve allows the control and safety shut-off of low-pressure combustible gases in pipes from 40mm to 250mm, whilst focusing on being energy efficient and environmentally friendly. The Powerseat® shut-off valve is kept open by a hydraulic pump where hydraulic fluid is forced into a cylinder driving the valve open.
Detailed Description
There are approximately 40,000 Powerseat® safety shut-off valves installed and operating throughout the UK. The first safety shut-off valve of its kind, we estimate that an average Powerseat® shut-off valve to have a lifespan of 15 years.This year, a customer enquiry for the operational specification of the installed Powerseat® revealed that this valve has been in active service for 35 years. Our internal research established that the valve was manufactured in the UK in the mid-80s and has been in service at Court House in Wigan ever since.Stephen Davies, Regional Sales Manager for Watts explains: “We know the importance of a safe gas supply and that Powerseat® has a long-life but we were astonished to learn that this device had been working quietly in the background delivering energy efficient gas safety for 35 years. I was delighted to supply the customer with the information they needed to keep this Powerseat® in active service.”