Determination of a MIXING VALVE

Controlled Temperature on the Mixing Valve

38°C (choose a 10/50°C mixing valve)
45°C or 50°C (choose a 30/70°C mixing valve)

Type of Installation

Select the type of installation based on usage. The flow rate coefficient (simultaneity coefficient) will vary depending on the type:

  • Residential use (e.g., apartments, houses)
  • Collective use (e.g., hotels, campsites, hospitals, hydrotherapy centers)
  • Commercial or public use (e.g., stadiums, gyms, factories, schools, swimming pools, barracks)

Inlet Pressure

Choose an inlet pressure between 1 and 3 bar. This should reflect the dynamic, balanced network pressure at the hot/cold water inlets of the thermostatic mixing valve.

Number of Appliances:

Specify the number of appliances to be supplied with mixed water based on the type of outlet (single outlet or timed flow control):

  • Washbasin, shower, bath, and bidet = bathroom
  • Sink = individual kitchen
  • Washing tub = industrial kitchen

If applicable, specify the required maximum flow rate in liters per minute (l/min), including allowances for future network extensions.

Other indicate the flow

Indicate the flow rate in l/min : indicate the maximum flow rate required in the event of future network extension.

Calculate the Mixing Valve:

Click the *Calculate the Mixing Valve* button to generate the calculation result and determine the correct Ultramix valve size for your application.

  1. Link to the product category with mixing valves.
  2. Button to print the parameters and results.
  3. Parameters entered.
  4. The total flow rate required by the system if all devices are in simultaneous operation (in l/min).
  5. The simultaneity coefficient (probability that the devices will operate simultaneously, unless the system is equipped with timed shut-off valves).
  6. The corrected flow rate in l/min corresponds to the total flow rate x simultaneity coefficient, which determines the size of the mixing valve.
  7. The Ultramix thermostatic mixing valve best suited to the actual or future installation.
  8. The flow rate required to the actual or future installation (correspond to the parameters entered previously).
  9. Nominal diameter of the mixing valve.

UNITARY MIXED WATER FLOW RATES (in liters per minute)

Calculated on the basis of a mixing valve with a temperature base of 10/50°C

Controlled Temperature
on Mixing Valve
38°C 45°C 50°C
Type of Tap Unique Outlet Timed Flow Control Unique Outlet Timed Flow Control Unique Outlet Timed Flow Control
Wash Basin 12 8.4 10 7 8.4 6
Shower 12 8.4 10 7 8.4 6
Bathtub 20 - 16 16 14 -
Bidet 12 8.4 10 7 8.4 6
Sink 12 8.4 10 7 8.4 6
Washtub 20 14 16 16 14 10

Number of appliances :
Unique outlet
Timed flow
control outlet
OTHER Indicate the flow = l/min
OTHER Indicate the flow = l/min